New Year. New Beginnings.
I have a card that sits on my desk that simply reads, “Life is short. Live your dream and share your passion.” It’s my personal spin on TRIO’s tagline to “work hard, enjoy life and make a difference.” It serves as a year-long mantra to live by – thus replacing a need for New Years Resolutions – right?
While I haven’t physically written down any specific resolutions, it’s nearly impossible to not get caught up in the energy that a new year brings with it. A fresh start, a touch on life’s “reset button”. This is a time to let go, look ahead and be intentional.
TRIO steps into the year with many bright spots to look forward to, including the birth of a sweet baby boy, two weddings, a new home and certainly many other joyful events and milestones to come! It’s going to be a year of new beginnings and opportunities to share our passions with the world.
We also look forward to being intentional with our clients and each of their goals, from both a creative and strategic standpoint. When you pause and think through your goals for the new year and what you hope to achieve, perhaps start by considering the advice of Seth Godin and ask yourself, “Do my customers trust me enough to believe my promises?” No amount of marketing communications — be it on the web, in print or in person — will help you reach your business goals if not built on the intentions of earning trust and nurturing relationships.
Everyone at TRIO wishes you a year of living your dreams, sharing your passions – and of course, of accomplishing all of your business and marketing goals!
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