11/28/2013 Marketing and Public Relations, Office Culture

Thanksgiving, After All, is a Word of Action

300165What a rollercoaster of a year it has been for Team TRIO. We consider it one of the busiest and most exciting years in TRIO history. We accomplished many goals and feel our hard work has truly made a difference in a variety of ways. That being said, we remain humble and grateful, never taking for granted the opportunities presented before us. It is because of our amazing team, incredible clients and business partners, and supportive friends and family members that we are able to do what we do. We have so much to be thankful for and feel blessed in so many ways.

After wrapping up our 7th annual Createathon a few weeks ago, we reaffirmed our mantra that helping others is really what it’s all about. We believe that the spirit of giving and being thankful should not only be in use during the last few months of the year, but every day.

So as you sit down to enjoy the biggest feast of the year, take a moment to think about what you are thankful for and come up with at least one meaningful way that you can pay it forward this holiday season. After all, thanksgiving is a word of action not just a single day that comes around every November.

Thanksgiving sharing from all of us TRIO:

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: From getting up in the morning and watching the Macy’s parade to enjoying a wonderful meal with family to watching football, I love it all.
Mouth-watering recipe: My Aunt Marion’s broccoli salad of course.
Most grateful for: The gift of being a mommy to our three beautiful children

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: Playing under the dinner table with my cousin, Shelly, while my Gram, Mom and Aunt were busy getting dinner ready and the men were watching sports in the living room. We’d sneak olives off the table when nobody was looking and put them on our fingertips and pretend to be aliens. It was fun. Trust me.
Mouth-watering recipe: Gravy. It’s all about the gravy, people.
Most grateful for: My husband. He’s my everything, my gravy.

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: Finally listening to Christmas music on the ride home from the grandparents.
Mouth-watering recipe: My mom’s sweet potato casserole – with marshmallows on top, of course.
Most grateful for: Sallie! and also my family. Love them much.

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: Renting cabins with my family for a few days and sitting around the fire pit sharing an amazing meal, good music and lots of laughs.
Mouth-watering recipe: Homemade mac & cheese for a side and baked berry cobbler for dessert (with vanilla bean ice cream, of course).
Most grateful for: My health, a loving support system of friends and family AND living in the best city in the world.

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: Spending the morning with my Mom while all the men are out at a turkey shoot. We sip mimosas and start preparing food while watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade & Miracle on 34th Street.
Mouth-watering recipe: Dressing and good ole canned cranberry sauce
Most grateful for: Making it through another decade of my life with the support and love of friends and family.

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: Watching the Iron Bowl with family, WAR EAGLE HEY! (It’s close enough to thanksgiving, right?)
Mouth-watering recipe: Spice Cake yummmmmm
Most grateful for: I’m most grateful for living in the best city in the world, and working with so many great people!!

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: Every year after Thanksgiving dinner, my family takes a guilt-driven walk together. In the evening, there is usually a fierce Scrabble game.
Mouth-watering recipe: Pumpkin pie
Most grateful for: I’m grateful that I get to finally live near the coast.

Favorite Thanksgiving memory/tradition: Spending time with my family while feasting on delicious food, sharing good laughs and unforgettable memories.
Mouth-watering recipe: Deviled eggs. If I don’t get at least 6 on my first plate, I will not be happy. This is no joke people. #stayawayfrommydeviledeggs
Most grateful for: I am so lucky to have accomplished some major milestones in my life this year. From graduating in May at the College of Charleston to securing my first full-time job at TRIO, it has truly been an exciting year. These personal achievements would not have been possible without the support and guidance from my amazing family and friends, which I am the most grateful for.

We invite you to share your favorite Thanksgiving tradition, recipe and what you’re grateful for. We would love to hear from you. Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at TRIO!

Jessica Munday

Jessica Munday

CEO, Founder & Visionary

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