09/16/2011 CreateAthon, Make a Difference, Marketing and Public Relations

5th Annual CreateAthon Recap

Well, here we are…another CreateAthon coming to a close. Can’t believe that it’s been five years since we first embarked on this crazy, creative, colossal adventure. We’ve spent the past 24 hours frantically developing, designing and downing lots of energy drinks – all for five incredibly, deserving Lowcountry nonprofits.

Why do we do this, you ask?

It’s organizations like Florence Crittenton of South Carolina that tuck young mothers under their wing and teach them how to become responsible, self-sufficient parents. Or, the Girl Scouts of Eastern South Carolina who deserve a huge shout out as they prepare for their 100-year anniversary. That’s a century of inspiring young girls to aim high and reach for the stars.

It’s organizations like Lowcountry Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy (LEAP) who bring together humans and horses in the most powerful and touching way. Or the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society who needed help promoting their upcoming event – an event that will allow them to create a better future for children and adults living with blood cancer. Then we have our sweet friends at Rural Mission on John’s Island. They are the purest definition of compassion as they make a difference in our local community, plank by plank and nail by nail.

These organizations make us strive to become better people – to use our talent and knowledge to make our little corner of the world a better place.

To lose sleep over petty things is nothing. To lose sleep over things that matter is everything!

Here’s to another successful CreateAthon. Until next year… GOD BLESS – Team TRIO (including Brennan Wesley, Michael Allen, Brian Dadin, Brad Caricofe and Mary Sue Lawrence).

Thank you all! It’s been real!

Jessica Munday

Jessica Munday

CEO, Founder & Visionary

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